24.10.2012 Breathing Therapy Link http://us.mc1132.mail.yahoo.com/mc/welcome?.gx=1&.tm=1345962419&.rand=apajvi3155bcs#_pg=showMessage&sMid=0&fid=2.Sent%2520BLOGGED&filterBy=&.rand=1071905722&midIndex=0&mid=2_0_0_119_22_AHqliGIAAQdETGZPxA6JMR1v4eA&f=1&fromId=madhava36@yahoo.com&m=&sort=date&order=down&startMid=0&hash=72589d38783fbb254527fd598becac15&.jsrand=4569334 The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale. Actually they are different; you would be able to feel the difference. The right side represents the sun, left side represents the moon. During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe. In about 5 mins, your headache will go? If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed. Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily, left side belongs to 'cold'. Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster. Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up. Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right? ? If left is faster, you will feel tired. So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing, you will get refreshed quickly. This can be taught to kids, but it is more effective when practiced by adults. My friend used to have bad headaches and was always visiting the doctor. There was this period when he suffered headache literally every night, unable to study. He took painkillers, did not work. He decided to try out the breathing therapy here: closed his right nose and breathed through his left nose. In less than a week, his headaches were gone! He continued the exercise for one month. This alternative natural therapy without medication is something that he has experienced. So, why not gi? ve it a try ------------------------------------------------------------- 23.10.2012 From: RK D Subject: Fw: Medicines Date: Monday, February 6, 2012, 2:45 PM From: rvg iyer rvgiyer@gmail.com The US National Library of Medicine (ailments and explanation).... This site is from the National Library of Medicine which is under the National Institutes of Health and, as such, is from the U.S. government. It is one of the best sites for medical explanations. Besides...... US taxpayers pay for it! Highly recommend that you keep this for further reference It just might come in handy. Click on the Ailment, Get a Video Explanation. This site is very informative and worth hanging onto! Whichever diseases you click on, it gives you a video explanation!!!! Interactive Sites on Medical Information The tutorials listed below are interactive health education resources from the Patient Education Institute. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition in easy-to-read language. You can also listen to the tutorial. JUST CLICK ON A SPECIFIC AILMENT NOTE: These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or above... If you do not have Flash, you will be prompted to obtain a free download of the software before you start the tutorial. Thanks Sairam Link http://us.mc1132.mail.yahoo.com/mc/welcome?.gx=1&.tm=1345962419&.rand=apajvi3155bcs#_pg=showMessage&sMid=51&fid=%2540S%2540Search&filterBy=&squery=medicines&vp=1&.rand=755761067&midIndex=1&mid=2_5_73209_4_4262_AKSkiGIAAR5MTzFpzASycFlzI4c&fromId=madhava36@yahoo.com&clean&m=2_5_72023_66_410032_AKGkiGIAALS8TzFpzQ4zwSDG0%2BQ,2_5_73209_4_4262_AKSkiGIAAR5MTzFpzASycFlzI4c,2_5_74277_91_329191_AKmkiGIAAJJXTzFpOAdHrXA%2F9fU,2_5_75608_200_32444_AKGkiGIAAK9LTzFo%2BgMO3B1MluU,&sort=date&order=down&startMid=50&.jsrand=9927090 ----------------------------------------------------------- 23.10.2011 Fw: Coconuts stabilizing blood sugar Friday, October 21, 2011 4:44 PM From: "ramanujam kishore " Did You Know... . . . that coconuts are one of the wonder foods on earth that amply provides for all human needs? They can even save your life! Few people (even fewer doctors) understand how important the coconut is to stabilizing blood sugar; lowering cholesterol; healing; hydration; and even replacing blood plasma in an emergency. Referred to as kalpa vriksha (Sanskrit for "the tree that supplies all that is needed to live") in ancient India, the coconut palm has been recognized as a top immune booster, antifungal , antibiotic, antiviral , and antibacterial remedy for thousands of years all over the world. Yet, it has only been recently that modern researchers have begun to fully discover the massive health benefits this amazing fruit offers. To give just one example of coconuts' life-saving properties, they were used extensively in the Pacific during World War II. Since blood plasma supplies were scarce, it was very common for medics to siphon pure coconut water from young coconuts to be used as emergency plasma transfusions for soldiers who were injured. Since coconut water is nearly identical to human blood, it was suitable for people of all blood types. Because of its strong antioxidant properties, the coconut can be used to: ==> Lower cholesterol ==> Improve digestion ==> Ward off wrinkles ==> Stabilize glucose levels ==> Fight off viruses ==> Build cells ==> Regulate hormones ==> Increase thyroid production ==> Lose weight ==> Increase metabolism ==> Fight infections ==> Stave off memory loss ==> Kill bacteria ==> And more! Considered one of the most treasured foods of all time, coconut products -- including coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut oil, and coconut cream -- each deliver superb health benefits. Coconut oil, for instance, is considered the best and safest oil to use for cooking -- even superior to extra virgin olive oil when it comes to giving the body what it needs for optimum health. Unlike other fats and oils that we typically use for cooking and baking, coconut oil does not form polymerized oils or dangerous trans fatty acids in our bodies, which can raise our cholesterol levels; clog our arteries and even make our skin sag and wrinkle. Plus, this ultra-safe oil can give your body important antioxidants that can help build stronger cells and improve your overall health and well being. Here are a few ways that you can use coconut products to stave off disease and to recapture the look and feeling of youth: Coconut Water - The coconut is a natural water filter. It takes almost 9 months for a coconut to filter every quart of water stored within its shell. This makes the resulting coconut water completely pure and sterile, which is one reason why it can be used for blood transfusions. Another benefit of coconut water is the fact that it has the highest concentration of electrolytes than anything else found in nature. This makes it an excellent source of hydration. Coconut Oil - In addition to being superior for cooking and baking, coconut oil also makes a superb topical oil that can help to naturally rid the skin of dangerous toxins. It also gives the skin the perfect mix of hydration and antioxidants that it needs to stay healthy, smooth and younger-looking longer. Another great benefit of coconut oil is in protecting your teeth from the bacteria that can cause cavities and disease. Simply rubbing a little fresh coconut oil on your gums and teeth can keep them stronger and healthier than virtually any other dental treatment. Most people don't realize that coconut oil can actually help you lose weight ! Yes, simply changing your cooking oil from the unsaturated fat variety to coconut oil can help you lose those extra pounds. Here's why : Unsaturated fats found in canola, corn and other vegetables oils, as well as margarine suppress the metabolism , which makes it harder to lose weight -- and easier to gain it. Over time, this metabolism suppression may result in 20-30 pounds of excess weight that your body cannot get rid of. Coconut oil, on the other hand, helps to increase thyroid function and boost your metabolism -- 2 important components to shedding unwanted pounds. Coconut Cream - The best skin treatment product one can use to achieve flawless skin may quite possibly be coconut cream. Unlike traditional skin creams which can actually introduce fats and oils to the skin that will break it down over time, making it look older, creams derived from the coconut can actually replenish the skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy glow than most other skin care products on the market. When it comes to buying coconut products, coconuts arenot all created equal. Wild coconuts are always best, but can be hard to obtain if you don't live in a tropical country. Whether you are using this wonder food to boost your immune system; increase your metabolism or fight wrinkles, using products from young coconuts will help you reap the most benefit. Young coconuts contain the purest unsaturated fat, compared to the fat found in the more mature varieties. This is why they offer the most rejuvenation properties for the body's tissues. But how can you tell how old a coconut is? Young coconuts are usually green in colour and oddly shaped. The brown hairy ones are mature coconuts, and while they offer a lot of healthy benefits, they aren't nearly as good for you as younger varieties. The best place to find young fresh coconuts is, of course, in the markets of the tropics, so be sure to seek them out if you travel to those areas. Coconut-producing regions export coconuts all over the world, however, so it's relatively easy to find coconuts at your local health food store or Asian grocer. I have done considerable research on this topic and have compiled a list of 32 real benefits of coconut water. "Coconut water is the very stuff of Nature, biologically Pure, full of Natural Sugars, Salts and Vitamins to ward off fatigue and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural", according to Mortin Satin, Chielf of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization. Coconut Water is more nutritious than milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol. Coconut Water is Healthier than Orange Juice - Much lower calories. Enough of the introduction, now on to the 32 benefits of coconut water.... 1. Coconut water is high in nutritional value - On the average 1 cup of coconut water contains about 46 calories and 2 grams of protein. The sodium content is surprisingly high with 252 mg. and so is the fiber at 3 grams. The total fat is exceptionally low at 0.5 grams with 0.4 grams saturated. It contains a full range of B vitamins with the exception of vitamin B6 and B12. There are 6.00 mcg of folic acid and 5.8 mg of vitamin C. Rating the minerals, 1 cup contains 57.6 mg of calcium, 0.7 mg. of iron, 60 mg of magnesium, 600 mg of potassium, and 0.2 mg of zinc. 2. Coconut Water Hydrates the Body - Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market coconut water as the next big sports drinks. 3. Coconut water strengthens your immune system - Coconut water is known to strengthen the immune system because coconut water is rich in Lauric acid is used to produce Monolaurin body that can fight disease fatty acid derivative. Lauric acid may have anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal. Ingredients like that can really help strengthen the immune system of maternal and fetal growth, and so prevent the occurrence of flu infection, HIV, herpes, and others. Therefore, it helps the body fight colds, flus, and other unpleasant illnesses. 4. Coconut Water is much, much better than any Energy Drink - Coconut water contains about 294 mg potassium (at about 294 mg) in a 100 ml glass. That more than double most sports drinks, which have about 117 mg of potassium. Coconut water has about 25 mg of sodium in a similar sized drink, while sports drinks have 41 mg and energy drinks have 200 mg. Coconut water has approximately 5 mg of natural sugars while sports drinks have 20 to 25 mg of altered sugars. Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. 5. Coconut Water Kills Intestinal Worms - Drinking coconut water with one teaspoon of olive oil for three days will kill intestinal worms and clear the stomach of worms, which makes for better digestion. 6. Coconut water is great for our Heart - According to researchers, individuals with high blood pressure usually have low potassium levels. Therefore, drinking coconut water on a regular basis can be quite effective at regulating blood pressure due to its high concentration of potassium and lauric acid. Similarly, some recent studies have found that coconut water can help increase HDL (good) cholesterol, which makes it a wonderful natural treatment for maintaining good cardiovascular health. 7. Aids in the quick absorption of drugs and makes their peak concentration into the blood stream easier because of its electrolytic effect. 8. Excellent all natural water to drink while Relaxing, Meditating, Driving, Eating, Running, Aerobics, Working, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Exercising, Body Building, Surfing, Fishing, Snow Boarding, Working Out, Surfing, Physical Activities, or Exertion of any kind. 9. Coconut Water is nature's real medicine - Helps prevent osteoporosis, Promotes bowel movements, Promotes healthy thyroid function, Helps eliminate pinworms, Used in cancer therapy, Helps kill the parasite Giardia Lamblia, Improves digestion, Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body, Helps in gallbladder disease, Helps eliminate Candida yeast infections, Inhibits the growth of mycoplasma, Helps eradicate eczema and more. 10. Coconut water increases your good cholesterol - Coconut water is essentially free of fat and is known as a drink zero cholesterol. Several studies have reported that coconut milk also has a positive effect to increase the level of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the cholesterol level is good in the body. This can help keep cholesterol levels high. 11. Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems - If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other urinary ailments drink coconut water to relieve their symptoms. 12. Coconut water is good for people with diabetes - Coconut water is very low in sugars and has 5mg of natural sugars in each coconut. Thus, it makes it a great natural drink for anyone with diabetes to have. It is naturally sweet in taste and does not do anything to increase the blood sugar levels. 13. Coconut Water Breaks up Kidney Stones - People who have kidney problems and are plagued by kidney stones should drink coconut water in addition to taking their medication. Drinking coconut water regularly helps to break up kidney stones making them easier to push out. 14. Coconut Water is Used in Blood Transfusion - Coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma and this makes it easy to use for blood transfusion. In cases of emergency coconut water has been used as an intravenous hydration fluid instead of the standard IV fluid. During World War II many wounded soldiers were saved in the Pacific because of emergency transfusion using coconut water as plasma. 15. Coconut Water is an Antibacterial - Coconut water contains monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprozoal monoglyceride that is used to kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria. 16. Coconut Water Controls Vomiting - Coconut water is great at reducing vomiting. People who have typhoid, malaria, fevers or other ailments that are known to induce vomiting drink coconut water to settle the stomach. 17. Coconut Water helps you lose weight faster - For all those people who are trying to lose weight, drinking coconut water would prove quite useful. This is because the drink increases the rate of metabolism, thus aiding weight loss. It is an ideal drink and gives a feeling of fullness especially for a person on a weight loss diet. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte and isotonic beverage which help increase the body's metabolism. Therefore, it can greatly benefit people who are struggling with weight issues. 18. If you are suffering from a hangover, after having too much booze at last night's party, have a glass of coconut water. It will help you feel refreshed and get rid of other hangover symptoms as well. 19. Coconut water proves valuable in the treatment of ascites, a disease that causes swelling in the stomach, due to fluid accumulation. Ascites patients should consume 2-3 glasses of coconut water in a day. 20. Regular consumption of coconut water can help balance the pH levels in the body and keep cancer at bay. 21. Coconut water is rich in natural fiber. You will be amazed to know that through drinking one cup of coconut water, you'll receive over 2.5 grams of fiber. Fiber is what keeps our intestinal health regulated, and adds to colon health. 22. There is a lauric acid found in coconut water that helps the body to flush out toxins. This acid has also been known to help benefit those affected by Leaky Gut Syndrome, a common stomach disorder. Lauric acid has also been known to help women in the stages of menopause. 23. Coconut water helps fight Age Spots, Wrinkles, and Other Skin Problems - Researchers have found that Cytokinins help regulate the cell growth and their divisions. Coconut Water contains these cytokinins and lauric acid which can minimize the aging of skin cells, balance PH levels, and keep the connective tissues strong and hydrated. Therefore, simply applying Coconut Water onto affected skin areas every night before going to bed may help with acne, age spots, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, and eczema. 24. Vitamins in your body which are stored will be carried to your cells where they need to go. It also helps in carrying oxygen around delivering it into cells. 25. Coconut water is good for patients suffering from cholera. Presence of saline and albumen makes it an excellent drink in cholera cases. 26. Used as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not produce heat, and does not destroy red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body. 27. Coconut water is possibly the best Energy drink available. Abundant in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Coconut Water makes a wonderful energy drink. In particular, coconut water has less sugar and sodium content compared to most sports drinks, while packing more Potassium, Calcium, and Chloride, which makes it a better choice to rehydrate, replenish and boost the body's energy levels after any strenuous activity or workout. For example, in every 100ml of Coconut Water there is approximately 294mg of potassium, 25mg of sodium, 5mg sugar and 118mg of chloride. 28. Coconut water helps solve Digestive Problems - Coconut Water contains Lauric acid which our body converts into monolaurin. Monolaurin has great antiviral, antiprozoal and antibacterial activity which helps fight against intestinal worms, parasites, lipid-coated viruses and other gastrointestinal tract infections in children and adults. Additionally, the water from coconut may not only act as an antibiotic but it can also rehydrate the body. Therefore, a simple remedy for Intestinal Worms is to mix one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil into a cup of Coconut Water and drink it daily for at least three days. For constipation, diarrhea and other common digestive problems drink one cup of Coconut Water twice daily. 29. Coconut water is good for your skin - Sunburn, heat boils and redness of the skin due to extreme heat can be smoothened by dabbing coconut water on the skin. It gives a very cooling effect and has no side effects. Is your skin too dry? put some coconut water over it with a washcloth. This water adds moisture to the skin and since it is so beneficial in hydration to the whole body, it does the skin well too. Coconut water applied to the body prevents prickly heat and summer boils and is also used for clearing rashes caused by small pox, chicken pox and measles etc. 30. Coconut water helps relieve your tummy upset. A dash of salt and sugar added to tender coconut water helps to relax an upset stomach. It prevents cramping caused to due stomach infection. 31. Coconut water is also recommended for pregnant women since its consumption helps in resolving problems of digestion, constipation and heartburn during pregnancy. 32. The biggest benefit of coconut water is that it is pretty cheap, around Rs.15 or 35 cents for a large coconut full of water. You get a glass of 500 ml filled to the brim with just one coconut. And, you can have it almost any time during the day and feel refreshed and energized with just a few sips of the cool coconut water. So, here you have it, the 32 amazing and wonderful benefits of coconut water. I am pretty sure you are now keen on adding coconut water to your daily diet. And you are born lucky since you can reap the benefits of god’s own drink in almost all areas of our country. I get my drink served chilled at my doorstep every single morning before I do anything else. I add Coconut water to various juices I love such as pineapple, orange and grape. I make ice cubes out of pure coconut water and put a few of these coconut water ice cubes into my watermelon juice or iced tea. Coconut water is truly a miracle tonic available to all of us at a ridiculously cheap price. And, it tastes so yummy and refreshing especially if you drink it slightly chilled. I Savio DSilva am making my way off this article as I need to buy a few more coconuts now. See you soon. Goodbye! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 23.10.2011 Fw: Coconuts stabilizing blood sugar Friday, October 21, 2011 4:44 PM From: "ramanujam kishore " Did You Know... . . . that coconuts are one of the wonder foods on earth that amply provides for all human needs? They can even save your life! Few people (even fewer doctors) understand how important the coconut is to stabilizing blood sugar; lowering cholesterol; healing; hydration; and even replacing blood plasma in an emergency. Referred to as kalpa vriksha (Sanskrit for "the tree that supplies all that is needed to live") in ancient India, the coconut palm has been recognized as a top immune booster, antifungal , antibiotic, antiviral , and antibacterial remedy for thousands of years all over the world. Yet, it has only been recently that modern researchers have begun to fully discover the massive health benefits this amazing fruit offers. To give just one example of coconuts' life-saving properties, they were used extensively in the Pacific during World War II. Since blood plasma supplies were scarce, it was very common for medics to siphon pure coconut water from young coconuts to be used as emergency plasma transfusions for soldiers who were injured. Since coconut water is nearly identical to human blood, it was suitable for people of all blood types. Because of its strong antioxidant properties, the coconut can be used to: ==> Lower cholesterol ==> Improve digestion ==> Ward off wrinkles ==> Stabilize glucose levels ==> Fight off viruses ==> Build cells ==> Regulate hormones ==> Increase thyroid production ==> Lose weight ==> Increase metabolism ==> Fight infections ==> Stave off memory loss ==> Kill bacteria ==> And more! Considered one of the most treasured foods of all time, coconut products -- including coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut oil, and coconut cream -- each deliver superb health benefits. Coconut oil, for instance, is considered the best and safest oil to use for cooking -- even superior to extra virgin olive oil when it comes to giving the body what it needs for optimum health. Unlike other fats and oils that we typically use for cooking and baking, coconut oil does not form polymerized oils or dangerous trans fatty acids in our bodies, which can raise our cholesterol levels; clog our arteries and even make our skin sag and wrinkle. Plus, this ultra-safe oil can give your body important antioxidants that can help build stronger cells and improve your overall health and well being. Here are a few ways that you can use coconut products to stave off disease and to recapture the look and feeling of youth: Coconut Water - The coconut is a natural water filter. It takes almost 9 months for a coconut to filter every quart of water stored within its shell. This makes the resulting coconut water completely pure and sterile, which is one reason why it can be used for blood transfusions. Another benefit of coconut water is the fact that it has the highest concentration of electrolytes than anything else found in nature. This makes it an excellent source of hydration. Coconut Oil - In addition to being superior for cooking and baking, coconut oil also makes a superb topical oil that can help to naturally rid the skin of dangerous toxins. It also gives the skin the perfect mix of hydration and antioxidants that it needs to stay healthy, smooth and younger-looking longer. Another great benefit of coconut oil is in protecting your teeth from the bacteria that can cause cavities and disease. Simply rubbing a little fresh coconut oil on your gums and teeth can keep them stronger and healthier than virtually any other dental treatment. Most people don't realize that coconut oil can actually help you lose weight ! Yes, simply changing your cooking oil from the unsaturated fat variety to coconut oil can help you lose those extra pounds. Here's why : Unsaturated fats found in canola, corn and other vegetables oils, as well as margarine suppress the metabolism , which makes it harder to lose weight -- and easier to gain it. Over time, this metabolism suppression may result in 20-30 pounds of excess weight that your body cannot get rid of. Coconut oil, on the other hand, helps to increase thyroid function and boost your metabolism -- 2 important components to shedding unwanted pounds. Coconut Cream - The best skin treatment product one can use to achieve flawless skin may quite possibly be coconut cream. Unlike traditional skin creams which can actually introduce fats and oils to the skin that will break it down over time, making it look older, creams derived from the coconut can actually replenish the skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy glow than most other skin care products on the market. When it comes to buying coconut products, coconuts arenot all created equal. Wild coconuts are always best, but can be hard to obtain if you don't live in a tropical country. Whether you are using this wonder food to boost your immune system; increase your metabolism or fight wrinkles, using products from young coconuts will help you reap the most benefit. Young coconuts contain the purest unsaturated fat, compared to the fat found in the more mature varieties. This is why they offer the most rejuvenation properties for the body's tissues. But how can you tell how old a coconut is? Young coconuts are usually green in colour and oddly shaped. The brown hairy ones are mature coconuts, and while they offer a lot of healthy benefits, they aren't nearly as good for you as younger varieties. The best place to find young fresh coconuts is, of course, in the markets of the tropics, so be sure to seek them out if you travel to those areas. Coconut-producing regions export coconuts all over the world, however, so it's relatively easy to find coconuts at your local health food store or Asian grocer. I have done considerable research on this topic and have compiled a list of 32 real benefits of coconut water. "Coconut water is the very stuff of Nature, biologically Pure, full of Natural Sugars, Salts and Vitamins to ward off fatigue and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural", according to Mortin Satin, Chielf of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization. Coconut Water is more nutritious than milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol. Coconut Water is Healthier than Orange Juice - Much lower calories. Enough of the introduction, now on to the 32 benefits of coconut water.... 1. Coconut water is high in nutritional value - On the average 1 cup of coconut water contains about 46 calories and 2 grams of protein. The sodium content is surprisingly high with 252 mg. and so is the fiber at 3 grams. The total fat is exceptionally low at 0.5 grams with 0.4 grams saturated. It contains a full range of B vitamins with the exception of vitamin B6 and B12. There are 6.00 mcg of folic acid and 5.8 mg of vitamin C. Rating the minerals, 1 cup contains 57.6 mg of calcium, 0.7 mg. of iron, 60 mg of magnesium, 600 mg of potassium, and 0.2 mg of zinc. 2. Coconut Water Hydrates the Body - Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market coconut water as the next big sports drinks. 3. Coconut water strengthens your immune system - Coconut water is known to strengthen the immune system because coconut water is rich in Lauric acid is used to produce Monolaurin body that can fight disease fatty acid derivative. Lauric acid may have anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal. Ingredients like that can really help strengthen the immune system of maternal and fetal growth, and so prevent the occurrence of flu infection, HIV, herpes, and others. Therefore, it helps the body fight colds, flus, and other unpleasant illnesses. 4. Coconut Water is much, much better than any Energy Drink - Coconut water contains about 294 mg potassium (at about 294 mg) in a 100 ml glass. That more than double most sports drinks, which have about 117 mg of potassium. Coconut water has about 25 mg of sodium in a similar sized drink, while sports drinks have 41 mg and energy drinks have 200 mg. Coconut water has approximately 5 mg of natural sugars while sports drinks have 20 to 25 mg of altered sugars. Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. 5. Coconut Water Kills Intestinal Worms - Drinking coconut water with one teaspoon of olive oil for three days will kill intestinal worms and clear the stomach of worms, which makes for better digestion. 6. Coconut water is great for our Heart - According to researchers, individuals with high blood pressure usually have low potassium levels. Therefore, drinking coconut water on a regular basis can be quite effective at regulating blood pressure due to its high concentration of potassium and lauric acid. Similarly, some recent studies have found that coconut water can help increase HDL (good) cholesterol, which makes it a wonderful natural treatment for maintaining good cardiovascular health. 7. Aids in the quick absorption of drugs and makes their peak concentration into the blood stream easier because of its electrolytic effect. 8. Excellent all natural water to drink while Relaxing, Meditating, Driving, Eating, Running, Aerobics, Working, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Exercising, Body Building, Surfing, Fishing, Snow Boarding, Working Out, Surfing, Physical Activities, or Exertion of any kind. 9. Coconut Water is nature's real medicine - Helps prevent osteoporosis, Promotes bowel movements, Promotes healthy thyroid function, Helps eliminate pinworms, Used in cancer therapy, Helps kill the parasite Giardia Lamblia, Improves digestion, Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body, Helps in gallbladder disease, Helps eliminate Candida yeast infections, Inhibits the growth of mycoplasma, Helps eradicate eczema and more. 10. Coconut water increases your good cholesterol - Coconut water is essentially free of fat and is known as a drink zero cholesterol. Several studies have reported that coconut milk also has a positive effect to increase the level of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the cholesterol level is good in the body. This can help keep cholesterol levels high. 11. Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems - If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other urinary ailments drink coconut water to relieve their symptoms. 12. Coconut water is good for people with diabetes - Coconut water is very low in sugars and has 5mg of natural sugars in each coconut. Thus, it makes it a great natural drink for anyone with diabetes to have. It is naturally sweet in taste and does not do anything to increase the blood sugar levels. 13. Coconut Water Breaks up Kidney Stones - People who have kidney problems and are plagued by kidney stones should drink coconut water in addition to taking their medication. Drinking coconut water regularly helps to break up kidney stones making them easier to push out. 14. Coconut Water is Used in Blood Transfusion - Coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma and this makes it easy to use for blood transfusion. In cases of emergency coconut water has been used as an intravenous hydration fluid instead of the standard IV fluid. During World War II many wounded soldiers were saved in the Pacific because of emergency transfusion using coconut water as plasma. 15. Coconut Water is an Antibacterial - Coconut water contains monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprozoal monoglyceride that is used to kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria. 16. Coconut Water Controls Vomiting - Coconut water is great at reducing vomiting. People who have typhoid, malaria, fevers or other ailments that are known to induce vomiting drink coconut water to settle the stomach. 17. Coconut Water helps you lose weight faster - For all those people who are trying to lose weight, drinking coconut water would prove quite useful. This is because the drink increases the rate of metabolism, thus aiding weight loss. It is an ideal drink and gives a feeling of fullness especially for a person on a weight loss diet. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte and isotonic beverage which help increase the body's metabolism. Therefore, it can greatly benefit people who are struggling with weight issues. 18. If you are suffering from a hangover, after having too much booze at last night's party, have a glass of coconut water. It will help you feel refreshed and get rid of other hangover symptoms as well. 19. Coconut water proves valuable in the treatment of ascites, a disease that causes swelling in the stomach, due to fluid accumulation. Ascites patients should consume 2-3 glasses of coconut water in a day. 20. Regular consumption of coconut water can help balance the pH levels in the body and keep cancer at bay. 21. Coconut water is rich in natural fiber. You will be amazed to know that through drinking one cup of coconut water, you'll receive over 2.5 grams of fiber. Fiber is what keeps our intestinal health regulated, and adds to colon health. 22. There is a lauric acid found in coconut water that helps the body to flush out toxins. This acid has also been known to help benefit those affected by Leaky Gut Syndrome, a common stomach disorder. Lauric acid has also been known to help women in the stages of menopause. 23. Coconut water helps fight Age Spots, Wrinkles, and Other Skin Problems - Researchers have found that Cytokinins help regulate the cell growth and their divisions. Coconut Water contains these cytokinins and lauric acid which can minimize the aging of skin cells, balance PH levels, and keep the connective tissues strong and hydrated. Therefore, simply applying Coconut Water onto affected skin areas every night before going to bed may help with acne, age spots, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, and eczema. 24. Vitamins in your body which are stored will be carried to your cells where they need to go. It also helps in carrying oxygen around delivering it into cells. 25. Coconut water is good for patients suffering from cholera. Presence of saline and albumen makes it an excellent drink in cholera cases. 26. Used as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not produce heat, and does not destroy red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body. 27. Coconut water is possibly the best Energy drink available. Abundant in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Coconut Water makes a wonderful energy drink. In particular, coconut water has less sugar and sodium content compared to most sports drinks, while packing more Potassium, Calcium, and Chloride, which makes it a better choice to rehydrate, replenish and boost the body's energy levels after any strenuous activity or workout. For example, in every 100ml of Coconut Water there is approximately 294mg of potassium, 25mg of sodium, 5mg sugar and 118mg of chloride. 28. Coconut water helps solve Digestive Problems - Coconut Water contains Lauric acid which our body converts into monolaurin. Monolaurin has great antiviral, antiprozoal and antibacterial activity which helps fight against intestinal worms, parasites, lipid-coated viruses and other gastrointestinal tract infections in children and adults. Additionally, the water from coconut may not only act as an antibiotic but it can also rehydrate the body. Therefore, a simple remedy for Intestinal Worms is to mix one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil into a cup of Coconut Water and drink it daily for at least three days. For constipation, diarrhea and other common digestive problems drink one cup of Coconut Water twice daily. 29. Coconut water is good for your skin - Sunburn, heat boils and redness of the skin due to extreme heat can be smoothened by dabbing coconut water on the skin. It gives a very cooling effect and has no side effects. Is your skin too dry? put some coconut water over it with a washcloth. This water adds moisture to the skin and since it is so beneficial in hydration to the whole body, it does the skin well too. Coconut water applied to the body prevents prickly heat and summer boils and is also used for clearing rashes caused by small pox, chicken pox and measles etc. 30. Coconut water helps relieve your tummy upset. A dash of salt and sugar added to tender coconut water helps to relax an upset stomach. It prevents cramping caused to due stomach infection. 31. Coconut water is also recommended for pregnant women since its consumption helps in resolving problems of digestion, constipation and heartburn during pregnancy. 32. The biggest benefit of coconut water is that it is pretty cheap, around Rs.15 or 35 cents for a large coconut full of water. You get a glass of 500 ml filled to the brim with just one coconut. And, you can have it almost any time during the day and feel refreshed and energized with just a few sips of the cool coconut water. So, here you have it, the 32 amazing and wonderful benefits of coconut water. I am pretty sure you are now keen on adding coconut water to your daily diet. And you are born lucky since you can reap the benefits of god’s own drink in almost all areas of our country. I get my drink served chilled at my doorstep every single morning before I do anything else. I add Coconut water to various juices I love such as pineapple, orange and grape. I make ice cubes out of pure coconut water and put a few of these coconut water ice cubes into my watermelon juice or iced tea. Coconut water is truly a miracle tonic available to all of us at a ridiculously cheap price. And, it tastes so yummy and refreshing especially if you drink it slightly chilled. I Savio DSilva am making my way off this article as I need to buy a few more coconuts now. See you soon. Goodbye! ------------------------------------------------------------------ 23.10.2011 Fw: Coconuts stabilizing blood sugar Friday, October 21, 2011 4:44 PM From: "ramanujam kishore " Did You Know... . . . that coconuts are one of the wonder foods on earth that amply provides for all human needs? They can even save your life! Few people (even fewer doctors) understand how important the coconut is to stabilizing blood sugar; lowering cholesterol; healing; hydration; and even replacing blood plasma in an emergency. Referred to as kalpa vriksha (Sanskrit for "the tree that supplies all that is needed to live") in ancient India, the coconut palm has been recognized as a top immune booster, antifungal , antibiotic, antiviral , and antibacterial remedy for thousands of years all over the world. Yet, it has only been recently that modern researchers have begun to fully discover the massive health benefits this amazing fruit offers. To give just one example of coconuts' life-saving properties, they were used extensively in the Pacific during World War II. Since blood plasma supplies were scarce, it was very common for medics to siphon pure coconut water from young coconuts to be used as emergency plasma transfusions for soldiers who were injured. Since coconut water is nearly identical to human blood, it was suitable for people of all blood types. Because of its strong antioxidant properties, the coconut can be used to: ==> Lower cholesterol ==> Improve digestion ==> Ward off wrinkles ==> Stabilize glucose levels ==> Fight off viruses ==> Build cells ==> Regulate hormones ==> Increase thyroid production ==> Lose weight ==> Increase metabolism ==> Fight infections ==> Stave off memory loss ==> Kill bacteria ==> And more! Considered one of the most treasured foods of all time, coconut products -- including coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut oil, and coconut cream -- each deliver superb health benefits. Coconut oil, for instance, is considered the best and safest oil to use for cooking -- even superior to extra virgin olive oil when it comes to giving the body what it needs for optimum health. Unlike other fats and oils that we typically use for cooking and baking, coconut oil does not form polymerized oils or dangerous trans fatty acids in our bodies, which can raise our cholesterol levels; clog our arteries and even make our skin sag and wrinkle. Plus, this ultra-safe oil can give your body important antioxidants that can help build stronger cells and improve your overall health and well being. Here are a few ways that you can use coconut products to stave off disease and to recapture the look and feeling of youth: Coconut Water - The coconut is a natural water filter. It takes almost 9 months for a coconut to filter every quart of water stored within its shell. This makes the resulting coconut water completely pure and sterile, which is one reason why it can be used for blood transfusions. Another benefit of coconut water is the fact that it has the highest concentration of electrolytes than anything else found in nature. This makes it an excellent source of hydration. Coconut Oil - In addition to being superior for cooking and baking, coconut oil also makes a superb topical oil that can help to naturally rid the skin of dangerous toxins. It also gives the skin the perfect mix of hydration and antioxidants that it needs to stay healthy, smooth and younger-looking longer. Another great benefit of coconut oil is in protecting your teeth from the bacteria that can cause cavities and disease. Simply rubbing a little fresh coconut oil on your gums and teeth can keep them stronger and healthier than virtually any other dental treatment. Most people don't realize that coconut oil can actually help you lose weight ! Yes, simply changing your cooking oil from the unsaturated fat variety to coconut oil can help you lose those extra pounds. Here's why : Unsaturated fats found in canola, corn and other vegetables oils, as well as margarine suppress the metabolism , which makes it harder to lose weight -- and easier to gain it. Over time, this metabolism suppression may result in 20-30 pounds of excess weight that your body cannot get rid of. Coconut oil, on the other hand, helps to increase thyroid function and boost your metabolism -- 2 important components to shedding unwanted pounds. Coconut Cream - The best skin treatment product one can use to achieve flawless skin may quite possibly be coconut cream. Unlike traditional skin creams which can actually introduce fats and oils to the skin that will break it down over time, making it look older, creams derived from the coconut can actually replenish the skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy glow than most other skin care products on the market. When it comes to buying coconut products, coconuts arenot all created equal. Wild coconuts are always best, but can be hard to obtain if you don't live in a tropical country. Whether you are using this wonder food to boost your immune system; increase your metabolism or fight wrinkles, using products from young coconuts will help you reap the most benefit. Young coconuts contain the purest unsaturated fat, compared to the fat found in the more mature varieties. This is why they offer the most rejuvenation properties for the body's tissues. But how can you tell how old a coconut is? Young coconuts are usually green in colour and oddly shaped. The brown hairy ones are mature coconuts, and while they offer a lot of healthy benefits, they aren't nearly as good for you as younger varieties. The best place to find young fresh coconuts is, of course, in the markets of the tropics, so be sure to seek them out if you travel to those areas. Coconut-producing regions export coconuts all over the world, however, so it's relatively easy to find coconuts at your local health food store or Asian grocer. I have done considerable research on this topic and have compiled a list of 32 real benefits of coconut water. "Coconut water is the very stuff of Nature, biologically Pure, full of Natural Sugars, Salts and Vitamins to ward off fatigue and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural", according to Mortin Satin, Chielf of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization. Coconut Water is more nutritious than milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol. Coconut Water is Healthier than Orange Juice - Much lower calories. Enough of the introduction, now on to the 32 benefits of coconut water.... 1. Coconut water is high in nutritional value - On the average 1 cup of coconut water contains about 46 calories and 2 grams of protein. The sodium content is surprisingly high with 252 mg. and so is the fiber at 3 grams. The total fat is exceptionally low at 0.5 grams with 0.4 grams saturated. It contains a full range of B vitamins with the exception of vitamin B6 and B12. There are 6.00 mcg of folic acid and 5.8 mg of vitamin C. Rating the minerals, 1 cup contains 57.6 mg of calcium, 0.7 mg. of iron, 60 mg of magnesium, 600 mg of potassium, and 0.2 mg of zinc. 2. Coconut Water Hydrates the Body - Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market coconut water as the next big sports drinks. 3. Coconut water strengthens your immune system - Coconut water is known to strengthen the immune system because coconut water is rich in Lauric acid is used to produce Monolaurin body that can fight disease fatty acid derivative. Lauric acid may have anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal. Ingredients like that can really help strengthen the immune system of maternal and fetal growth, and so prevent the occurrence of flu infection, HIV, herpes, and others. Therefore, it helps the body fight colds, flus, and other unpleasant illnesses. 4. Coconut Water is much, much better than any Energy Drink - Coconut water contains about 294 mg potassium (at about 294 mg) in a 100 ml glass. That more than double most sports drinks, which have about 117 mg of potassium. Coconut water has about 25 mg of sodium in a similar sized drink, while sports drinks have 41 mg and energy drinks have 200 mg. Coconut water has approximately 5 mg of natural sugars while sports drinks have 20 to 25 mg of altered sugars. Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg. 5. Coconut Water Kills Intestinal Worms - Drinking coconut water with one teaspoon of olive oil for three days will kill intestinal worms and clear the stomach of worms, which makes for better digestion. 6. Coconut water is great for our Heart - According to researchers, individuals with high blood pressure usually have low potassium levels. Therefore, drinking coconut water on a regular basis can be quite effective at regulating blood pressure due to its high concentration of potassium and lauric acid. Similarly, some recent studies have found that coconut water can help increase HDL (good) cholesterol, which makes it a wonderful natural treatment for maintaining good cardiovascular health. 7. Aids in the quick absorption of drugs and makes their peak concentration into the blood stream easier because of its electrolytic effect. 8. Excellent all natural water to drink while Relaxing, Meditating, Driving, Eating, Running, Aerobics, Working, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Exercising, Body Building, Surfing, Fishing, Snow Boarding, Working Out, Surfing, Physical Activities, or Exertion of any kind. 9. Coconut Water is nature's real medicine - Helps prevent osteoporosis, Promotes bowel movements, Promotes healthy thyroid function, Helps eliminate pinworms, Used in cancer therapy, Helps kill the parasite Giardia Lamblia, Improves digestion, Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body, Helps in gallbladder disease, Helps eliminate Candida yeast infections, Inhibits the growth of mycoplasma, Helps eradicate eczema and more. 10. Coconut water increases your good cholesterol - Coconut water is essentially free of fat and is known as a drink zero cholesterol. Several studies have reported that coconut milk also has a positive effect to increase the level of HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the cholesterol level is good in the body. This can help keep cholesterol levels high. 11. Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems - If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other urinary ailments drink coconut water to relieve their symptoms. 12. Coconut water is good for people with diabetes - Coconut water is very low in sugars and has 5mg of natural sugars in each coconut. Thus, it makes it a great natural drink for anyone with diabetes to have. It is naturally sweet in taste and does not do anything to increase the blood sugar levels. 13. Coconut Water Breaks up Kidney Stones - People who have kidney problems and are plagued by kidney stones should drink coconut water in addition to taking their medication. Drinking coconut water regularly helps to break up kidney stones making them easier to push out. 14. Coconut Water is Used in Blood Transfusion - Coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma and this makes it easy to use for blood transfusion. In cases of emergency coconut water has been used as an intravenous hydration fluid instead of the standard IV fluid. During World War II many wounded soldiers were saved in the Pacific because of emergency transfusion using coconut water as plasma. 15. Coconut Water is an Antibacterial - Coconut water contains monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprozoal monoglyceride that is used to kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes, cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria. 16. Coconut Water Controls Vomiting - Coconut water is great at reducing vomiting. People who have typhoid, malaria, fevers or other ailments that are known to induce vomiting drink coconut water to settle the stomach. 17. Coconut Water helps you lose weight faster - For all those people who are trying to lose weight, drinking coconut water would prove quite useful. This is because the drink increases the rate of metabolism, thus aiding weight loss. It is an ideal drink and gives a feeling of fullness especially for a person on a weight loss diet. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte and isotonic beverage which help increase the body's metabolism. Therefore, it can greatly benefit people who are struggling with weight issues. 18. If you are suffering from a hangover, after having too much booze at last night's party, have a glass of coconut water. It will help you feel refreshed and get rid of other hangover symptoms as well. 19. Coconut water proves valuable in the treatment of ascites, a disease that causes swelling in the stomach, due to fluid accumulation. Ascites patients should consume 2-3 glasses of coconut water in a day. 20. Regular consumption of coconut water can help balance the pH levels in the body and keep cancer at bay. 21. Coconut water is rich in natural fiber. You will be amazed to know that through drinking one cup of coconut water, you'll receive over 2.5 grams of fiber. Fiber is what keeps our intestinal health regulated, and adds to colon health. 22. There is a lauric acid found in coconut water that helps the body to flush out toxins. This acid has also been known to help benefit those affected by Leaky Gut Syndrome, a common stomach disorder. Lauric acid has also been known to help women in the stages of menopause. 23. Coconut water helps fight Age Spots, Wrinkles, and Other Skin Problems - Researchers have found that Cytokinins help regulate the cell growth and their divisions. Coconut Water contains these cytokinins and lauric acid which can minimize the aging of skin cells, balance PH levels, and keep the connective tissues strong and hydrated. Therefore, simply applying Coconut Water onto affected skin areas every night before going to bed may help with acne, age spots, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, and eczema. 24. Vitamins in your body which are stored will be carried to your cells where they need to go. It also helps in carrying oxygen around delivering it into cells. 25. Coconut water is good for patients suffering from cholera. Presence of saline and albumen makes it an excellent drink in cholera cases. 26. Used as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not produce heat, and does not destroy red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body. 27. Coconut water is possibly the best Energy drink available. Abundant in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Coconut Water makes a wonderful energy drink. In particular, coconut water has less sugar and sodium content compared to most sports drinks, while packing more Potassium, Calcium, and Chloride, which makes it a better choice to rehydrate, replenish and boost the body's energy levels after any strenuous activity or workout. For example, in every 100ml of Coconut Water there is approximately 294mg of potassium, 25mg of sodium, 5mg sugar and 118mg of chloride. 28. Coconut water helps solve Digestive Problems - Coconut Water contains Lauric acid which our body converts into monolaurin. Monolaurin has great antiviral, antiprozoal and antibacterial activity which helps fight against intestinal worms, parasites, lipid-coated viruses and other gastrointestinal tract infections in children and adults. Additionally, the water from coconut may not only act as an antibiotic but it can also rehydrate the body. Therefore, a simple remedy for Intestinal Worms is to mix one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil into a cup of Coconut Water and drink it daily for at least three days. For constipation, diarrhea and other common digestive problems drink one cup of Coconut Water twice daily. 29. Coconut water is good for your skin - Sunburn, heat boils and redness of the skin due to extreme heat can be smoothened by dabbing coconut water on the skin. It gives a very cooling effect and has no side effects. Is your skin too dry? put some coconut water over it with a washcloth. This water adds moisture to the skin and since it is so beneficial in hydration to the whole body, it does the skin well too. Coconut water applied to the body prevents prickly heat and summer boils and is also used for clearing rashes caused by small pox, chicken pox and measles etc. 30. Coconut water helps relieve your tummy upset. A dash of salt and sugar added to tender coconut water helps to relax an upset stomach. It prevents cramping caused to due stomach infection. 31. Coconut water is also recommended for pregnant women since its consumption helps in resolving problems of digestion, constipation and heartburn during pregnancy. 32. The biggest benefit of coconut water is that it is pretty cheap, around Rs.15 or 35 cents for a large coconut full of water. You get a glass of 500 ml filled to the brim with just one coconut. And, you can have it almost any time during the day and feel refreshed and energized with just a few sips of the cool coconut water. So, here you have it, the 32 amazing and wonderful benefits of coconut water. I am pretty sure you are now keen on adding coconut water to your daily diet. And you are born lucky since you can reap the benefits of god’s own drink in almost all areas of our country. I get my drink served chilled at my doorstep every single morning before I do anything else. I add Coconut water to various juices I love such as pineapple, orange and grape. I make ice cubes out of pure coconut water and put a few of these coconut water ice cubes into my watermelon juice or iced tea. Coconut water is truly a miracle tonic available to all of us at a ridiculously cheap price. And, it tastes so yummy and refreshing especially if you drink it slightly chilled. I Savio DSilva am making my way off this article as I need to buy a few more coconuts now. See you soon. Goodbye! ------------------------------------------------------------------ 19.10.2011 Fw: Ten Things That Make Us Happiest Wednesday, October 19, 2011 9:12 AM From: "ramanujam kishore" Ten Things That Make Us Happiest A new survey has found that most of us enjoy a good giggle above any other of life's pleasures. And it doesn't cost a penny. In an increasingly materialistic world, it is family, friends and the beauty of nature that seem to make people the happiest. The survey, organised by Apples to mark the start of the import season, asked more than 2,000 people from across the UK to name the simple things that make life more pleasurable. The following are the 10 pleasures: Laughter Twenty-two per cent of those questioned chose laughter as their most important pleasure. Laughter is the best medicine. It is highly infectious and among other things is a great relaxant for your body and a means of boosting your immune system. It brings about the release of endorphins and is a tonic for your heart. haring great food with great friends ring great food with great friends was rated second with 21 per cent. Relishing a delectable meal is uplifting. Bonding over a luncheon or dinner with your best pals makes it a happier experience. Receiving a hug Receiving a hug was in third place with 19 per cent. Hugging is a great stress buster, a signal of acceptance and has been known to lower blood pressure and heart rate. ing the sun on your face Exposing yourself to the first rays of the sun is very rejuvenating and helps you get rid of sleepiness. Taking time out with a good book Reading a good book transports you to a different world which is tranquil and stress-free. It helps improve your memory, word power and writing skills and makes you smarter. Walking on the beach Walking on the beach is not just a great workout but a fine refexology treatment and a relaxant as well. Make your experience more happy by making your mind wander, gazing at the blue waters and picking up shells on the way. Lying in freshly laundered sheets The comforts and smells of freshly laundered or washed sheets set the mood for a night of blissful sleep. Watching a spectacular sunset Watching the sun rise and set are highly effective in lowering stress levels. In India, the Taj Mahal is a much-liked destination to watch the sun set. Reminiscing over old photographs Scanning old photographs evokes soul-soothing and nostalgic memories. Catching the smell of freshly cut grass Studies have revealed that a chemical released by freshly mowed grass can help people relax and make them cheerful, thus slowing down the decline in mental ability with age. "It seems that in an overly complicated and stressful world we're looking for ways to re-connect with what really matters," the Daily Express quoted Ralph Walker, head of marketing for Apples from New Zealand, as saying. "It's the simplest things in life that do not cost us anything which seem to bring us the most happiness," he said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 09.09.2011 HOW HEALTHY YOU ARE ??????? | ||||||||
ENTER YOUR WEIGHT | KG | 66 | ||||||
ENTER YOUR HEIGHT | 1.62 | |||||||
YOUR BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) = | 25.1 | 1.70 | ||||||
RESULT | Over-weight, Work up your body | |||||||
FOR ACCURATE RESULT CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. ========================================================================= | ||||||||
Health - 09.09.2011
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